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Kegel Exercises for Men
Kegel exercises tighten the muscles in your pelvic floor. The pelvic muscles aid in bowel and bladder control in men. It also aids in erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. The pelvic muscles and other tissues stretching from the tailbone in the back to the pubic bone in the front. The muscles support your bowel and bladder. The urethra removes urine from the body, and the rectum, which permits excrement to exit the body, travels via the pelvic floor’s tissues and muscles. Unlike everyday workout routines, these activities don’t necessitate the purchase of weights or expensive machines. The success of Kegel exercises is contingent on how well they are performed.
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Why should Men Perform Kegel Exercises?
Kegel exercises help men with various health and sexual-related difficulties. These exercises can help you increase your sexual satisfaction by improving ejaculation control and orgasm experience and also aid you in improving urine or fecal
incontinence. Additionally, the exercises regulate prostate pain and swelling caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia, BPH and prostatitis.
What happens Before You Start Doing Kegels?
To perform Kegel exercises, you must first identify the muscles that need stimulation. To perform a proper Kegel exercise, you must locate and flex three muscles.
- The bulbocavernosus (BC) muscle is the first muscle that pushes blood into the penis and squeezes urine and sperm out of the penis and urethra.
- The pubococcygeus (PC) muscle is another one. It is the muscle that assists you in peeing and pooping, and contracting during orgasm. It helps to keep your lower organs healthy.
- The iliococcygeus muscle (IC) is the third muscle, and it supports your organs and pulls your anus back into place after you poop.
The primary muscle engaged in Kegel exercises is the BC muscle, while the other two muscles exert less effort. Stopping your urine stream while urinating will help you locate this muscle. Try drawing your penis closer to your body and making it shorter to feel your PC muscle. Your scrotum may feel as if it’s being pushed upward. And make the motion you’d use to try to hold in diarrhea or stop yourself from passing gas to find your IC muscle.
What occurs when you do Kegels?
You should begin with baby steps, like with any fitness program. It would be best to start by laying or sitting on the bed, although you can do Kegel exercises anywhere. For roughly five seconds, squeeze your pelvic muscles. Counting out loud can help you avoid holding your breath. Then take another five seconds to relax. Do this ten times for each session. Attempt to complete three workouts per day and stop if you feel fatigued. Try to get to a position where you can hold for 10 seconds before resting for 10 seconds.
While performing Kegel exercises, you should not experience any pain. If you are in pain, you may be doing things wrong. Speak with your healthcare physician at this point to get advice on how to improve your technique. Your physician can also offer you a physical therapy program for pelvic floor exercises, which may involve biofeedback. It’s also essential to relax your pelvis floor muscles to avoid pain and improve muscle function.
What are the Benefits Of Male Kegel Exercises?
- Improved orgasm and improved sexual performance. Kegel is one of the few exercises that help with ED
- Avoiding the unintentional passage of stool or gas.
- Assisting in the prevention of incontinence which is vital after prostate surgery.
When is the Best Time To Perform Kegels?
Make Kegel exercises a regular part of your day. For instance
- After you’ve urinated, do a set of Kegel to get rid of the final few drops of urine.
- While doing typical tasks such as brushing your teeth, do another set of Kegel exercises.
- Just before and during any movement that puts pressure on your abdomen, such as laughing, coughing, heavy lifting, or sneezing, contract your pelvic floor muscles.
Are Kegels Exercises Safe?
Kegel exercises should be safe as long as you learn to relax and strengthen your muscles. It would help if you did not do Kegel exercises in excess. It would be best if you didn’t waste too much time attempting to stop urine from flowing. If you have a urinary catheter, don’t practice Kegel exercises.
Find out how to identify the correct muscles and understand the proper technique before you begin doing Kegel exercises. Furthermore, if you are persistent with your workouts, you will notice a significant difference. It could take up to six weeks for Kegel exercises to show results. It would be best to make them a regular part of your routine to continue reaping the benefits.