Global Crisis Write For Us – Hundreds of millions of children remain caught at the epicentre of intersecting crises damaging the health and hope of a global generation of girls and boys. Decades of progress are existence reversed, and insecurity, restlessness, and insecurity are rising nationwide.
45 million people in 43 countries worldwide now face the threat of famine.
Children in hungry areas in Africa, Latin America, Asia, and the Middle East do not know where their next meal comes from. Millions of people are living on the brink of famine and need food urgently to survive. Dreams of ending hunger by 2030 remain seriously derailed by conditions that cause hunger, including conflict, COVID-19, and climate change.
There are now extra active conflicts than at any time meanwhile 1945.
Public and interior conflicts and political chaos in places such as South Sudan, Yemen, Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Venezuela, Afghanistan, and Myanmar are causing massive displacement of people.
Globally, more than 82 million people now live in refugee and displaced camps or away from home. Although, Creating tensions between host communities, forcing families to type dangerous journeys, and opening the vulnerable, especially women and children, to gangs and exploitation.
As the world grapples with the facts, food rations, including for refugees, are cut to feed those who will die without help.
In addition to the threat of starvation, severe malnutrition affects more than 45 million children worldwide, and the hunger crisis is increasing. Moreover, children’s long-term physical and mental development is damaged when they don’t get the vital nutrition they need.
Climate Change
Extreme weather is flattering typical as the world warms.
The modern international climate modification conference in Glasgow, Scotland, failed to produce commitments to keep temperatures to 1.5°C, risking reversals and unpredictable outcomes for the world.
Recurring drought in East and Southern Africa and Afghanistan, flashy floods in Asia and Latin America, and fierce wind and fire tempests affecting even rich countries, ending homes and livelihoods and making new vicious cycles of poverty.
Increasing sea levels, changing seasons, and the threat of different disease outbreaks are moving rural and urban communities, increasing tensions as water supplies dwindle, food prices rise, and people leave their homes to find safety elsewhere.
At the centre of this are children who remain forced to leave school to find work, starve or become climate refugees.
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